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What is Endodontics?

Implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium screws placed in the jawbone instead of teeth lost for various reasons. Dental implants offer a better chewing function and aesthetic tooth appearance compared to traditional treatments.

What treatments does Endodontics perform?

Root canal treatment
• Endodontic surgery applications
• Prevention of pulp diseases and live pulp treatments
Differential diagnosis and treatment of pulp and periapical tissue-induced mouth and facial pain
• Repeat root canal treatment (Retreatment) in endodontic failure
• Whitening of endodontically treated teeth
Treatment of dental traumatized teeth
• Endodontic treatments supporting prosthetic, periodontal and orthodontic treatments
Post placement in the root canal cavity to make coronal restorations

Why does inflammation occur in the pulp?

Bacteria combine with many of the foods we take and cause acids to form in our mouth. If we do not pay attention to our oral hygiene, these acids damage the tooth enamel and cause decay in the enamel layer. If the bruises on the enamel are not treated, they pass into the dentin layer under the enamel layer. Although the dentin layer stimulates us with pain, if the bruise is not treated again, this time microorganisms move towards the pulp. Meanwhile, the pulp warns us through pain to protect itself. However, if we do not treat our teeth again, after a while, microorganisms cause inflammation by destroying the vessels and nerves in the pulp. Another way of inflammation in the pulp is trauma. A blow to the tooth causes the veins and nerves that enter the root of the tooth to rupture, thus causing the tooth to lose its vitality. In this situation, the addition of microorganisms in any way causes inflammation of the pulp. Another way pulp can become infected is the presence of long-term periodontal (gum and surrounding) disease around the tooth.

What is the treatment method process?

• Identifying the problematic tooth by taking radiography.
• If the tooth is alive, local anesthesia is used to eliminate sensitivity in the teeth and surrounding tissues.
• Clearing the decays in the enamel and dentin layers of the tooth and creating a space to reach the pulp.
• Isolating the tooth by attaching a rubber dam.
• Working length determination using electronic tools and confirmed by radiography.
• Destruction and removal of infected dentin layers and microorganisms in the root canal using rotary instrument systems.
• While using rotary instrument systems in root canals, various root canal disinfectants to destroy microorganisms.
• If the tooth is not alive when starting the root canal treatment, waiting for a certain time with a canal antiseptic to be placed in the root canal and filling the root blood at the next meeting.

What is Root Canal Treatment?

It is a treatment method applied in cases where the nerve (pulp) in the inner part of the tooth is damaged or dies due to caries or trauma. The tooth remaining with root canal treatment in the mouth will continue to help chew as your own tooth, but at least it is dead in that area, in this way, it will also prevent the melting of the jaw bones with the bone in that area remaining active.

What is Laser Root Canal Treatment?

A laser is a linear moving radiation with concentrated energy produced by an electromagnetic light amplifier. In dentistry, this energy is used to break the tissue by evaporating the water molecules in the tissues. Surgical interventions with laser can be performed without bleeding. Anesthesia is not required in minor interventions. It saves time both during the operation and the recovery period.