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Restorative treatment is the process of repairing material losses caused by caries or trauma in the hard tissues of the tooth (enamel and dentin). It also includes initiatives aimed at achieving aesthetic appearances by changing the tooth shape and color.


The most common factor that causes loss of substance in teeth is tooth decay. Tooth decay occurs when the teeth are not cleaned completely after consuming foods and beverages (sugar and carbohydrate-containing foods, acidic and sugary drinks) that cause caries. When tooth decay occurs, sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet starts. Brown appearance occurs on the surfaces of the tooth. Not every brown stain is rotten, and not every bruise is brown; Sometimes white bruise or bruise onset lesions can be seen. Not every bruise may be on the visible surface. Therefore, regular dental checks are required.


It is aimed to maintain the normal function of the tooth by restoring tooth decay or trauma-related losses with dental fillings. As dental filling material; While materials resistant to mechanical forces are preferred in the rear regions; Aesthetic materials are preferred in the anterior region treatments. As filling material; amalgam and composite are used. In addition, porcelain fillings obtained by laboratory-assisted production are made in teeth with a lot of substance loss.


Amalgam is a gray colored filling material that contains mercury, copper and tin. The health use of its content is controversial. Its use is prohibited in some European countries such as Denmark and Norway.1 Finland, the Netherlands, Japan, Singapore have reduced the use of amalgam.2 Today, there are studies on the damages of amalgam fillings. However, the American Dental Association and the American Food and Drug Association declared the use of amalgam as a dental filling material as a safe and effective method. 3,4 However, in some cases, it may be necessary to take from the healthy tissues of the tooth to make amalgam filling. And due to its gray color, it cannot be used in aesthetic areas. Therefore, amalgam filling is not applied in our clinic. It is decided to change the existing filling according to its compatibility and health.


Composite fillings; Fillers with strong aesthetic and mechanical properties. It is one of the most commonly used filling materials. It has a color scale compatible with tooth color. Since it has a strong bond to the tooth tissue, it can only be applied by removing the decay, protecting and supporting the remaining tooth tissue. It can be completed in a single session.


In cases where material loss is high and the remaining tooth tissue is insufficient, the surface to which the composite filling will be bonded becomes insufficient and the filling will be mechanically resistant. In such cases, fillings are prepared from porcelain material. All rotten tissue is removed, the measurement is taken and the filling is designed in the laboratory. Since it is prepared in the laboratory, its compatibility with neighboring teeth is very high. They support the remaining tooth tissue and are aesthetic. According to tooth loss; It can be prepared as inlays, onlays or overlays.


There is a dentin layer under the outermost enamel layer. Dentin, due to its tubular structure, causes sensitivity when opened to the mouth environment. Dentin surface is exposed with gingival recession, tooth crack formation, erosion due to tooth clenching. In this case, cold sensitivity occurs. Treatment of dentin sensitivity; It is done by applying desensitizing agents to the teeth. In cases of loss of dental tissue, dental integrity is provided with composite fillings.