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Dental Crowns and Bridges

In cases where implants are not indicated or preferred for dental cavities after tooth loss, dental bridges; In cases of excessive damage to the teeth, dental crowns are a suitable option to correct the smile and replace the lost function. When tooth loss occurs due to any reason, neighboring teeth begin to move towards this gap. loss, deterioration in aesthetics and changes in chewing forces. If the empty area for a long time is not restored with an implant or a bridge, there may be losses in these neighboring teeth.

Metal Supported Crowns And Bridges

Standard metal "ni-co" or precious metal "au" alloys can be used as infrastructure. With the porcelains processed as superstructure, the function lost especially in the posterior (back regions) can be regained.

Full Porcelain Crowns Without Metal Support

Although many things affect the appearance of crowns, the most important is their reaction to light. Natural teeth are translucent. As a result, depth and vitality appear in the tooth. Due to the light transmission properties of porcelain crowns without metal support (full porcelain), their depth and vitality are higher, so that the closest results to the natural tooth are obtained.

While full porcelains create a very similar aesthetic to natural tooth structure as they pass light, metal porcelains have a dullness and artificiality, even if they are very well made. For this reason, full porcelains are preferred especially in front teeth.
Metal-backed porcelains give the appearance of a dark space in some lights as if it was absent in the mouth. Full porcelain, on the other hand, passes all kinds of light just like natural teeth.
Metal-supported porcelains are mechanically bonded to the tooth. Full porcelains are attached to the teeth mechanically and chemically. Therefore, their retention is much higher than metal supports.
Since there is no metal in its substructure, there is no dark line at the crown - gingiva level. A more aesthetic appearance is provided.
When the gums are receded, full porcelains preserve their aesthetic appearance, while metal porcelains create a bad appearance in the area where they combine with the tooth.
There is no risk of allergy against some metals used in the infrastructure (nickel etc.) in full porcelain.

Zirconium Based Bridges without metal support

In this system, zirconium, a white alloy, is used instead of metal as a substructure. This state-of-the-art infrastructure is the only material that can offer aesthetics and durability together. The biggest advantage of the system is that it provides a full aesthetic appearance to the bridges in the back area with its very high strength.
For many years, a metal substructure was used under the porcelain tooth for durability in porcelain applications. Since the disadvantages of this metal substructure in terms of gums, dental tissue, general body health and most importantly aesthetics are known, the search for an alternative material to metal in porcelain infrastructure has been ongoing for years.
A new era was opened with the application of zirconium, which was used successfully in other fields of medicine, instead of porcelain metal in dentistry.
Because these new zirconium-based porcelain coatings do not cause gum problems and allergies, as well as providing aesthetics and function close to natural teeth with their light transmission feature.