Orthodontics is a specialty of dentistry that detects crooked teeth and incompatible jaw relations, tries to prevent them and applies their treatments. Orthodontic treatment serves all age groups and treatment planning and duration vary according to age.
Orthodontist; Dentists who have specialized training in orthodontic disorders and their treatments. After 5 years of dentistry education, people who have been accepted to an Orthodontics specialty or doctorate program of at least 4 years, and as a result of this process, prepare a specialist thesis and pass the necessary exams become orthodontics specialists. Orthodontics specialization requires long-term training and practice.
Orthodontic treatment is performed with the help of various fixed or removable apparatuses applied to the teeth or jawbone. The shape of these apparatuses is not optional, it is determined by the needs of the treatment.
Movable devices, which are mostly used in the mixed dentition period between the ages of 7-12, help the development of the jaw and guide the growth of permanent teeth.
Metal braces: It is the most basic treatment option when orthodontic treatment is needed. With the help of metal brackets fixed on the teeth, arch wires and elastics, it is aimed to provide tooth movements and optimize tooth alignment.
Porcelain brackets: In cases where orthodontic treatment is needed, porcelain brackets can be used instead of metal brackets as a more aesthetic choice with the return of social situation and business life.
Lingual orthodontics: It is an orthodontic treatment applied with metal braces attached to the inner surface of the teeth (facing the tongue). It can be advantageous to be an aesthetic choice.
Transparent plaques: It is an orthodontic treatment method that aims to bring the irregularities in the tooth alignment to the optimum order in the dental arch without the use of metal or porcelain brackets by using the transparent plaques produced with the measurement taken from the teeth. This method of treatment cannot be used in every case, and treatment must be started with a correct pre-diagnosis.
Appliances: It is a kind of apparatus used in orthodontic treatment, there are mobile (used with the coordination of the patient and the physician) and fixed types. It is frequently used in the treatment of skeletal and dental orthodontic problems.
With the invisalign technology developed as an alternative to bracing, it is possible to correct the teeth with transparent plaques. Measurements taken from the mouth of the person are specially calculated with computers and a certain number of transparent plates are produced to be used during the treatment period. By using these plates for an average of 20 hours a day, the teeth are corrected.