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Pedodontics, also known as Pediatric Dentistry, deals with the problems in the milk teeth and permanent teeth of children between the ages of 0 and 12. The protection of these teeth is a branch of dentistry that provides treatment of dental disorders. Pediatric dentists interested in this branch are called pedodontists.

What Situations Are Pedodontists Dealing with?

  • Training children about oral hygiene,

  • Preventive and orthodontic treatment of milk teeth and permanent teeth,

  • Fissure sealant and flour application,

  • Providing healthy and regular nutrition education,

  • Giving information to parents of children about pedodontics, control intervals and treatments,

  • Treatment of permanent and deciduous decays,

  • Crown coating treatment for losses due to caries,

  • Root canal treatment of children's teeth when necessary,

  • Treatment of broken teeth after trauma or impact,

  • Compulsory tooth extraction,

  • Making protective mouth plates for athletes to protect children from accidents that may happen during sports,

  • Treatment of hereditary dental diseases in children,

  • He is interested in situations such as treating children's gum ailments.

Deciduous tooth and permanent tooth fillings: It is the restoration of the cavity formed after the decaying of the deciduous tooth and permanent teeth, which are damaged due to caries, with materials such as composite, glass ionomer cement, compomer filling. In cases where the damage cannot be restored and the damage increases, further treatments such as deciduous tooth canal treatments, amputations and perhaps extraction can be applied.

Amputation: It is applied by removing the dental pulp (vascular nerve package) partially and restoring the cavity with biomaterials.

Milk tooth canal treatments: It is applied by removing the dental pulp (vascular nerve package) completely and restoring the cavity with biomaterials.

Deciduous tooth extractions: In cases where there is excessive damage to the teeth, or when there is a need to make room for permanent teeth, milk tooth extractions can be performed.

Place holders and Child prostheses: These are prostheses applied to keep the space in the dental arch during the eruption of permanent teeth applied to replace teeth lost at an early age.

Preventive and preventive orthodontic treatments: In cases with skeletal and dental developmental disorders, cooperation with orthodontics can be applied.

Protective oral-dental health practices: Topical fluoride applications, protective fluoride-releasing fissure sealants applied to the chewing surfaces of newly erupted permanent teeth, appropriate dietary habits for children, correct oral-dental health education. The effect of his period on his health is enormous.